Fertility Treatment for Endometriosis: Exploring Your Options
According to statistics, 5 to 10 percent of women have endometriosis. This potentially painful condition occurs when pieces of the uterine lining attach to areas outside of the uterus, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other places within the abdominal cavity.
Some women with endometriosis experience fertility problems. At our Los Angeles, CA clinic, we offer a variety of fertility treatments for those having difficulty conceiving. Here, we explore fertility treatment for endometriosis and discuss how couples can increase their chances of becoming pregnant.
Where to Begin
Fertility issues are undoubtedly frustrating. Unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy can leave patients feeling emotional, withdrawn, and even depressed.
For women with endometriosis, the first step in fertility care is to schedule a consultation with a specialist as soon as possible. With appropriate treatment and support, the chances of conceiving with endometriosis are actually high for most women.
The first step to accurate care is to undergo complete fertility testing to assess for female and male factor issues. This evaluation can help your doctor narrow down possible causes of infertility and determine the best treatment for your situation.
Keep in mind that fertility options often narrow as patients grow older. Therefore, if you suspect a problem, seek out a specialist right away.
Fertility Treatment Options for Women with Endometriosis
There are several treatment options for women with endometriosis who desire to become pregnant. Of course, the recommended plan for you will depend on your unique situation, including your age and the severity of your symptoms.
In the sections below, we will explore some of the most common treatments for endometriosis.
Most women with endometriosis will undergo laparoscopic surgery during the assessment process. This procedure allows your doctor to visualize the endometrial tissue that has formed, and also permits he or she to remove it at the same time.
Some women may become pregnant after this step. However, if conception has still not occurred, then additional treatments will be considered.
Hormone Therapy
If indicated, the first step in fertility treatment is often hormone therapy. Essentially, this involves stimulating the ovaries to encourage ovulation.
Two of the most common fertility drugs are Clomiphene Citrate and various Gonadotropins. For some women with endometriosis, hormone therapy is the only treatment necessary to improve fertility.
IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
For some women with endometriosis, IUI can successfully treat infertility. This process involves injecting sperm directly into the uterus. Typically, this is combined with fertility drugs to promote healthy ovulation.
IUI is more successful in women without endometriosis. However, those with the condition have a much higher likelihood of becoming pregnant with treatment.
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)
IVF is considered one of the most successful fertility treatments for women with endometriosis. During this process, eggs and sperm are harvested. Then, the egg is fertilized with the sperm in a laboratory setting. After three to five days, the resulting embryos are inserted into the woman’s uterus.
Contact Us to Learn More about Your Options
If you have endometriosis or suspect you might, schedule a consultation at the Los Angeles Reproductive Center. We can help identify the cause of your infertility and design a personalized treatment plan to address your needs. Contact us online or call us at (818) 946-8051.