Los Angeles Reproductive Center

IUI Success Tips

Mar 28, 2019 @ 05:15 PM — by
Tagged with: Iui Female Infertility Male Infertility

While in vitro fertilization (IVF) remains the most popular fertility treatment offered today, there are other effective procedures worth considering. A number of these treatments are more affordable than IVF. Such is the case of intrauterine insemination (IUI), an artificial insemination procedure that can help treat male and female infertility. We have helped many patients in the greater Los Angeles, CA achieve successful pregnancy and live birth through IUI.

The team at Los Angeles Reproductive Center would like to share some advice we give to patients who are undergoing IUI. These tips can help boost the potential for successful treatment.

Avoid Excessive Stress and Anxiety

Stress can have a major impact on the success of various fertility treatments. We understand why patients are concerned about the results of IUI, of course, but want to let them know that these feelings are normal. If you’re undergoing IUI, do your best to destress, to have realistic expectations about the procedure, and to try to remain as composed as possible throughout the process.

Avoid Ejaculation for Three Days

The volume of semen and amount of sperm matters during IUI. That’s why men should avoid ejaculating for three days prior to IUI. This maximizes the volume of sperm taken for the artificial insemination process. Sperm has a lifespan of up to five days, so a three day wait is ideal. Don’t abstain for more than five days, however, as this can negatively impact your chances of success.

Ask About Possible Hormone Stimulation

Fertility doctors sometimes use trigger shots to help stimulate the ovaries and produce viable eggs to be fertilized. Consider asking your fertility doctor about the use of booster shots, as these can increase the chances of successful IUI treatment.

Ask About Sperm Washing

Sperm washing is a process of purifying semen so that strong, viable, healthy sperm have a greater chance of surviving. In addition to trigger shots, speak with your fertility doctor about the possible advantages of sperm washing proper to IUI.

Eat Healthy

A healthy diet can improve general wellness and potentially boost your fertility in the process. This can make a difference while undergoing fertility treatment. Make sure your diet is rich with vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats, full-fat dairy, and whole grains for fiber. In addition, make sure you’re well hydrated.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise can make a major different during fertility treatment as well. While you should avoid strenuous workouts as you undergo IUI and other fertility procedures, we do encourage patients to do yoga, go for runs or jogs, go for walks or hikes, and keep in generally good shape.

When to Reconsider IUI After Repeated Failure

Even if you do all of the above, IUI may not work out in the end. In fact, it may not work out with a repeat treatment. At a certain point, you may want to consider other fertility treatment options.

As a general rule, three IUI attempts is ideal. If there is no success after three IUI attempts, we can perform additional tests and discuss other fertility treatments that may be more ideal for your needs.

Learn More About Your Fertility Treatment Options

To learn more about IUI and your many other options for fertility treatment, be sure to contact an experienced fertility treatment specialist. The team at Los Angeles Reproductive Center is here to help. You can reach our office by phone at (818) 208-5481.